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Tricks to Get Best Out of a Job Fair

Tricks to Get Best Out of a Job Fair

Tricks to Get Best Out of a Job Fair - Take note of Job Fair Layout? When you first arrive at the job fair, walkabout the entire area to get a feel for the layout and where each employer is located. Make note of those employers that are conducting secondary interviews either at their booth or in another location. 

If there is a separate area devoted to secondary interviews, ask one of the job fair workers which employers are conducting second interviews in that area.

Prepare yourself by approaching to the employer Stall. Instead of just getting into line, approach the employer stall from the side and quietly pick up some of the slick manuals that are prominently displayed on the table. 

Then take a few steps back. The reason for this is two fold: 

1. First, you now have in your hands some extremely valuable pre-interview reading material. 

2. Second, and most important, you have an opportunity to get a free preview of the employer and recruiter. 

How? By staying put four to six feet away and listening. Listen to what the recruiter asks. Be prepared to answer the same questions yourself. Listen to the responses. Did the recruiter respond positively or negatively? 

Listen to two or three different interviews to compare different responses. If there is more than one recruiter for the employer, note the different styles of each and choose the line behind the one who is the closest fit to your own personality range.

No Need of Wasting Your Time If You Have Not Prepared Properly

Although you usually do not have to ask permission to pick up the company materials that are displayed, occasionally recruiters will tell you that the information is only for candidates they have already met with Simply respond, "I'm planning to wait in line and would like to learn more about your company during the wait." 

Should normally work. If you have done your homework properly, you should be able to determine what the employer's needs are and what they are specifically looking for in filling those needs. 

Ask yourself two questions: 

1. First "Is this something I'm interested in? "

2. Second "Am I able to show that I am qualified for the position (s) they are offering?"

If your answer to either question is "No," then don't waste your time by standing in line.

World Wide Internet TV

Watch TV from around the world on your computer. Be Mentally alert and focussed. If you have an interest in what the employer has to offer and you can meet its basic needs, it is time to get in line yourself. 

This is the time to really soak up the information in the employer materials you have already picked up from the table. Remember, most people do not get this information until after they have met with the employer, so you have a great advantage to start. 

Plus you are not forced to stare blindly off into space as 90+% of job seekers do while standing in line . You will be, on the other hand, mentally alert and focused on what is important to the employer and its recruiters, and what your role can be in furthering the employer's goals.

Advantage of standing in front Our natural tendency is to get in the line, not to go immediately to the front and then stand off to the side. Maybe we are afraid that we will be perceived as attempting to cut in line, ready to come to the front when no one else is looking. 

And the advantages far outweigh any negative vibes you may get from those in the queue - you not only have all the employer materials in advance, but you also know what questions will be asked. You will be fully prepared, instead of groping in the dark.

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