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Critical Thinking in Skills

Critical Thinking in Skills

Understanding critical thinking is an effort to deepen awareness of comparing several problems that are and will occur so as to produce conclusions and ideas that can solve these problems.

Every human being has different thoughts. But if everyone has the ability to think critically, then he will be able to solve problems in a simple way. Although the problem is very complicated, of course he will be able to solve the problem on his own.

The ability to think critically is an important part of problems in life. Critical thinking is also a learning process and it is not a matter of heredity from parents. This is a process in dealing with a problem in life. Preferably, it has been taught from an early age to a child.

The Meaning of Critical Thinking According to Several Experts

In theory, the meaning of critical thinking has been put forward by several experts. Among these are according to Halpen, Scriven, Ennis, and Angelo.

1. Critical Thinking According to Halpen

According to Halpen (1996), critical thinking is cognitive empowerment in determining goals.

2. Critical Thinking According to Scriven

According to Scriven (2001), the meaning of critical thinking is an intellectual process that is active and full of skills in making understanding or concepts, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating.

3. Critical Thinking According to Ennis

Meanwhile, Ennis (1985) argues that critical thinking is a sensible or reason-based reflective way of thinking that is focused on determining what to believe and do.

4. Critical Thinking According to Angelo

Meanwhile, according to Angelo (1995), critical thinking is applying rational, higher thinking activities, which include analyzing, synthesizing, recognizing problems and their solutions, concluding, and evaluating.

Characteristics of People Who Think Critically

Based on the meaning of critical thinking from some of these experts, it can be concluded that the characteristics of people who think critically are as follows.

1. Mature personality

  • People who think critically are usually able to formulate a question carefully before the question is asked.
  • He is also able to limit the problem so that the problem does not widen.
  • Before using it, he always tests the data to be used until the data is valid.
  • He can analyze diverse opinions.
  • He always avoids emotional considerations.
  • It also avoids oversimplification of the problem.
  • He always considers various interpretations.
  • He is also quite tolerant of ambiguous things.

2. Open

Someone who thinks critically has an open attitude. With his openness, he can accept the differences that exist.

3. Thorough

He is very careful in dealing with everything. He also has certain standards that become a reference in judging something.

4. Using accurate data

He always argues with accurate data. He can also draw the right conclusions from the various statements or opinions that exist.

5. Different points of view

People who think critically usually look at problems not only from one point of view. However, he looked at it from a variety of different points of view.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Why does critical thinking need to be taught to students? Can be shown here. For example, there is a teacher who teaches his students a definition that only the student can memorize. However, can it provide a good provision for the future?

Therefore, it is necessary to be taught about the meaning and usefulness of the lessons given. So that when he goes out of the scope of education, there is something to be gained. There is a goal in the student's life that needs to be achieved. Not just memorizing and getting grades and then graduating, but there is an outcome that changes the student's life.

In every teaching and learning process there are always obstacles in teaching critical thinking. There is no need to seek an in-depth discussion of this problem. Enough to see the world of education in our own country.

To this day, a student is said to have succeeded if he graduated with high marks. In fact, it is not necessarily that high scores can make a student successful in the future. The world of education must begin to change the way education is taught. By teaching critical thinking, it can be seen what the difference between being smart in terms of value and being smart is in a real person.

How to Teach Critical Thinking?

To teach someone to think critically, it begins with freeing that person to work freely, to explore himself. For example, by using the method: freeing students to experiment, discuss, and give assignments on field trips.

The method does not have to be rigid by looking at the 3 methods, it can also use other methods that are really needed by the participants being taught. The point is that this teaching will provide lessons that the participants can take. To be useful for their future and especially in their respective social and personal lives.

In addition, this learning has components that must exist, namely the procedural component: participants are given special skills including practicum, discussion, and project implementation.

Direct instruction and modeling: the teacher provides instruction and modeling directly on the example, participants are required to master this.

Guided practice: participants are welcome to work on skills that are tailored to their abilities. However, I am still guided by the teacher. The condition must be done repeatedly and continuously.

Free practice: participants are given a project from the teacher, and participants must work on the project themselves to see independence and freedom in creativity.

Measuring the Critical Thinking Level

The critical thinking procedure has been carried out, it's time to measure the participants' critical thinking level. Measuring is not only seen from the results, but also the process carried out. To assess it, critical thinking skills are based on the skills performed and the knowledge mastered. Therefore, it is necessary to make instruments regarding these two focused things.

Based on these two things, to develop a focused instrument is in two ways, namely as follows.

1. Bloom's taxonomy

The first way is the bloom's taxonomy. The meaning is more focused on:

  • Memory
  • Comprehension
  • Application of
  • Analysis
  • Assessment of synthesis
  • Appropriate evaluation

All of which aim to unite all developments in students' ability to think and master science.

2. Problem-solving approach

The second way is a problem-solving approach. That is, this method is more focused on:

  • Goals
  • Attitude in dealing with problems
  • Key words problems
  • Information
  • Perspective
  • Concept
  • Assumptions
  • Alternative problem solving
  • Interpretation
  • Implications

Everyone's memory is certainly different. However, the memory here is not focused on rote memorization, but with understanding the existing discussion. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as what is written, but understand what is being discussed. So that participants with their own language are able to describe according to their memories of what is described in the discussion.

Understanding is also related to memory. When we understand theoretically, we will easily remember what we need to solve a problem. Interconnected, memory and understanding have passed, it's time to apply what we understand and remember.

From each problem, there needs to be an analysis of that understanding. If we can understand a theory, of course we will ask questions in the theory. And that's where we can also answer.

The last thing is to synthesize and evaluate from our statements and thinking abilities. Our evaluation of our own abilities, which will be combined with the knowledge we have, can be concluded to what extent our thinking abilities can be assessed.

The second focus is to discuss the initial problem, namely the problem. We have to see what the problem is. It would be better if we describe one by one, which ones fall into the problem which ones don't. The choice in the problem can already assess our analysis in thinking.

After getting the problem, next is how we deal with the problem. What to do about that problem. What is the cause of the problem? In solving problems, we must learn from our own point of view. We see it as what, it is necessary to have the information sought in the problem.

After we get to the stages, we need to develop concepts that need to be inserted assumptions that can help problem solving. And I need to find out if the assumption is true. There needs to be an alternative in problem solving so that our minds are open, not just persisting in solving problems with one mind.

After we get a solution, it is necessary to interpret the results of the problem solving that we do. And don't rule out the implications of the solution. Every decision taken, of course, can result in risk even though we are in the problem-solving stage. Not only based on a description, but we also have to prepare several other descriptions that can support our problem solving.

The conclusion of this critical thinking discussion is the result of a person's skills combined with one's knowledge. Both of these things must exist and one of them cannot be lost. 

Because if we have mastered science, how do we deal with the knowledge we have? From there it will be seen how we explore the knowledge we have so that it is useful for life in the future.

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