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2 Powerful Activities For Building Self Esteem And Self Confidence

Self Confidence

What if you can have 2 activities for building self esteem and self confidence at your disposal? Would you like to have 2 activities that you can easily use to instantly elevate your level of self esteem and self confidence?

Low self esteem and self confidence can be obstacles that stand in your way just when you don’t need them. They make you stumble or stutter, they force you to look down at your shoes, they make you fidget nervously, or low self esteem and low self confidence make you turn away and walk back into your limited comfort zone.

Well, I have great news for you!

Raising your self esteem and feeling and becoming confident quickly, almost instantaneously, is possible, and you can do it.  With repetition and continued practice, within a short period of time you will have high self esteem and all the confidence that you ever wanted.

Here are two powerful ways to get you started. They will help you rocket your self esteem and gain added self confidence to make you feel better about yourself quickly:

1. Do something you are good at

When you do something that you are competent and proficient at, you will quickly feel the surge of self confidence that comes with the feeling behind your skill and talent.

What are you great at? Painting, writing, cooking, jogging, holding parties and conferences, perhaps gardening.  What is your strongest talent or skill? Once you have identified what you feel awesome at, think deeply about how that strength makes you feel.  Allow that self confidence to flow through your entire body.

Keep focused on those feelings.  And when you feel that you are ready, think about the situation or event you do not feel comfortable about and transfer the confident feelings into that situation.

Feel yourself being more competent, courageous and confident as you tackle that situation.  At your peak of confidence say three times, ‘Yes, that’s me!’ and notice how much more confident you have become.

Do that technique daily or as often as you can so as to strengthen it.

2. Remember all the things you have accomplished

This technique is an extension of the one above.  Get yourself a notepad and jot down as many accomplishments that you can remember; particularly write the ones that you thought were going to be hard, but ended up being rather easy, or easier than you had anticipated.

Here are a few examples: any exams that you passed despite thinking that you wouldn’t; or an important meeting that you chaired with greater ease and confidence than you expected; hosted a party for your child that you never thought you could pull off.  Think of as many scenarios as you can remember.

The idea here is to use these successful memories as points of reference. You thought you would never achieve them and yet you did. What does that tell you? It tells you that you have more self confidence that you think you have.

Combine the two strategies together and you have the ingredients to be a confident winner.  Reinforce them with repetition and in due course nothing can stop you doing whatever you want or desire.

Take care for now.

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