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Creating Hope in Your Life

Creating Hope in Your Life

Have ever gone through a time when things were bad and you felt that you had almost lost hope? Did you wish that you could find a way to create hope in your life?

Feeling like there is no hope is one of the most challenging emotions to control. After all, if someone believes that there is no hope why would they even try?  If we believe that there is hope for the future then we will be more happy.

When you go through a bad patch you must remember that there’s always the opportunity for things to get better no matter how hopeless things might appear now.  Things can change even though it doesn’t seem possible at the time.

We all go through challenges at various times and sometimes there are moments when there does not seem to be a way out. Yet, when we persevere, we overcome our challenges and are better people for it.  Tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance and character hope!

When you’re feeling down, try these six strategies for creating hope:

1. Meditate on the miraculous things that you have done in your life. There are many things that you will have accomplished.  Some examples include learning how to talk and walk and maybe learning how to drive.  Perhaps you’ve also graduated from high school or college.

Let’s consider learning how to walk. It doesn’t seem very miraculous because almost everyone learns to walk.  But think about how difficult it is.

Babies start by crawling around but gradually learn to stand up, take a couple of steps holding onto something, and eventually learn to walk on their own.  They did not give up if they fell over a few times but they persevered and became better and better at it.

So whatever you're facing now remember your earlier miracles and that you can work your way through this challenge. You will find that the seemingly impossible becomes possible.  Do this and you will be creating hope.

2. Hang around optimistic people. You must have met people who always see the bright side of things. They’re the ones who look at a glass and say that it’s half full when everyone else says that it’s half empty.

Search for that sort of person and spend some time with them.  You will absorb their optimism.  Discuss with them how they faced their challenges and overcome them. This can change your perspective and give you a boost in the right direction.

Try activities that inspire you.

Here are a few suggestions:

Read biographies and autobiographies of people who have faced challenges and overcome them.  For example, Johnny Cash was a very successful singer/songwriter who faced a lot of challenges in his life.  This is what he said, “So, I learn from my mistakes.  

It’s a very painful way to learn, but without pain, the old saying is, there’s no gain.  I found that to be true in my life.  You miss a lot of opportunities by making mistakes but that’s part of it: knowing that you’re not shut out forever and that there’s a goal you still can reach.”

Simple joys, like watching children play on the playground, might bring back the spark that you seek.

Faith might be a source of inspiration for you.  Many people in the Bible faced great challenges and overcame them.  For example, the shepherd boy, David,  when he faced the giant Goliath.

3. Spend time with those who are less fortunate than you. Volunteering to help homeless people or hospice patients can show you that your situation isn’t quite as challenging as you originally thought.

When you observe how difficult situations can be, your perspective about your situation changes.

A recent scientific study revealed that people who do volunteer work had a 19% reduction in mortality risk compared to non-volunteers.

Helping others will develop qualities in you such as love, kindness, goodness, and patience, which are all healthy emotions.  How you feel emotionally affects how you feel physically.

4. Spend some time with miraculous things. Many people find that observing things in nature is awe-inspiring.  It can be very relaxing to go out into the countryside and observe the beauty of simple things like trees, flowers, butterflies and mountains.  When you see the beauty of nature and what’s possible, you realize that you’re capable of great things too.

5. Be courageous.  You need to have the courage to take the first step toward creating hope. Allow yourself to discover the way through your challenges.


If you want to find hope in your life, you always can!  Creating hope might take some time but don’t give up.  Just keep working through it and you’ll discover that you have plenty of reasons to be hopeful.   Regardless of your challenges, there are always ways through them.

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