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Shocking Truths About How to Motivate Employees

Shocking Truths About How to Motivate Employees

When many managers think of motivating employees they think of incentives, awards, time off days, etc. Most of these are what would be considered “instant or quick fixes”.

They are short term incentives which are thought to motivate employees and they do – for a day or two or maybe a week or even a month but the shocking truth is these are short term motivators and true motivation should be sought through long term solutions that motivate continuously.

Most managers would agree that they want employees to be motivated every day - not just for a day or a week after an award. Synonyms for the word “motivation” are “drive”, “enthusiasm”,  and “incentive”.  Surely all managers would want their employees to have “drive” and “enthusiasm” for their work every day, not just on the occasions of an award or day off.

Long Term Motivation

Long term motivation would require a different approach. Some would say that “raises” and “promotions” accomplish this long term motivation.  That is true to some extent.  However, frequently the effect of these wears off quickly also and what if raises and promotions are not options? Then what?

If managers want their employees to have “drive” and “enthusiasm” every day or at least most every day then something else is needed. Some would say, “the employee is getting paid, isn’t he?  That should be enough incentive.  For some it is. During times of economic recession, this certainly is more motivating (having a job and getting paid) than in good economic times when jobs are much easier to obtain.

 So How Do You Motivate Employees?

There are ways to keep employees motivated (all of the time) and also be providing what the organization or company needs most – great productivity, service, etc. This provides the proverbial win-win solution.

So How is This Achieved?

A system has to be put in place that serves the needs of the organization while ensuring that the employee stays motivated every day to meet the needs of the organization.

Without a system in place, managers would need to be more vigilant and involved to be sure the work is accomplished.

With a system in place, managers can spend more of their time on the “big picture” and not so much time on the day- to-day details or problems that arise.

It is not infrequent to hear managers say they spend their days in crisis management – “putting out fires”. They routinely complain that they don’t have time to get the work done that they really need to do.  They need to utilize “the system”

So What is the System?

Taking managerial tools many of them already have available and using them for their intended purpose.  These tools include: mission and function statements for the organization and it’s internal units, annual operational plans and goals, position descriptions, and performance evaluations. 

These need to be integrated, utilized, and communicated, as appropriate, to all levels in the organization. But that is not all. There must be true accountability at all levels!  I know it works. I have used it myself.

How is This Motivation for Employees?

Most employees want to work and do a good job.  They just need for someone to communicate “clearly” what they are supposed to do and at what level – where’s the bar ? How high do they need to jump to win? They will surprise and shock you! They will raise the bar themselves.  That is how to motivate employees!

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