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Create a Magnificent World for Yourself


Create a Magnificent World for Yourself

Create a Magnificent World for Yourself 

Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul said, “The only real change occurs in the imagination.” If you let it, this statement will open doors and windows in your mind, allowing you to expand into new dimensions of freedom and creativity. If your life improves, and there is no concurrent improvement in your imagination, then for you there will be no change. 

Likewise, if your world becomes magnificent in your imagination, you will live in a magnificent world. When you want change or improvement in your world, begin by imagining the change in great detail. Feel it, smell it, hear it, see it, and watch it or something better unfold.

Think of something you want. Imagine that you now have it, and write a brief story about your joy and fulfillment now that you have received this thing you so greatly desire. Notice how it feels to have acquired or achieved this good thing. Let those feelings expand in you. 

This is the most powerful creative process you could possibly participate in. The law of attraction states that we draw to us that which matches the vibration that we are emanating. That vibration comes from your emotional state. 

So use this exercise to generate the feelings of already having the wonderful thing you desire, and do your best to maintain those feelings. When your body/mind vibrate at the frequency of having what you want, you will have what you want.

We are so much more powerful and magnificent than we have ever imagined. Perhaps the greatest sadness in humanity today is our inability to fully recognize and consistently acknowledge our dignity, beauty and grace as human beings. 

We are brilliant creators, free to create great goodness or tremendous destruction. Our tendency toward feeling subject to, and at effect of the world around us can blind us to the absolutely indisputable fact that we each are creating and recreating our world on a moment-by-moment basis every day throughout our lives. 

Choose to accept the freedom and responsibility of being a creator of reality, and you will be amazed at the encouragement and support that will show up.

At any given moment, you are either consciously creating or defining yourself as a victim. Even when you are seeing yourself as subject to circumstances beyond your control, you are unconsciously creating the victim feeling. 

You have no choice but to be a creator, because that is how you were created. So, the question is, what are you creating? What do you want? Focus on that, and not its absence. Often when we want something, we focus on the feeling of not having it, which creates a continued not-having. 

Your attention is creative, and what you invest it in will grow and become real. Look at and believe in what you want. It is coming.

Look around you. Notice the art, the technology, the structures that make it possible for you to do what you do. All of this existed first in someone’s imagination, before it became a part of your physical reality. 

The imagination is the creative workshop of the human mind. How much time do you spend developing and cultivating this magnificent aspect of yourself? Your imagination is literally the magician of your mind, giving you the opportunity and capacity to reinvent yourself and redesign your future. 

You are the artist and your life is your tapestry, your lump of clay from which you can mold the beautiful creation that is only yours to offer.

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