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Four Different Types of Conflicts That Might Emerge in a Company

Four Different Types of Conflicts That Might Emerge in a Company

A clash of opinions or interests between opposing or disparate parties is referred to as a conflict. We are frequently confronted with conflict in a variety of settings, ranging from our personal lives to our professional lives. 

While some see conflicts as a negative phenomenon, others see them as a constructive and essential process because they bring out people's genuine thoughts or true sides, which allows things to be resolved more quickly once they are known.

Conflicts can take many forms, including human vs. human, human vs. society, and human vs. environment. World wars are caused by inter-national conflict.

As a result, disagreements wreak havoc and stop progress. Conflict is very likely to develop among staff members in organizations when thousands or more individuals work together. As a result, it's critical to grasp the various sorts of disputes and the various options for avoiding or resolving them as quickly as possible.

Conflicts in the workplace produce anxiety and tension, making the office an unpleasant place to work. When there is a conflict between coworkers or between managers and employees, productivity suffers.

Reduced productivity is bad for business, so it's critical for a manager or leader to recognize disputes and take appropriate steps to resolve them, making the workplace a calm and healthy atmosphere for everyone. The various sorts of disputes that can occur in an organization are listed below.

The Four Types of Organizational Conflicts


1. Conflicts between people

The term "interpersonal conflict" refers to disagreements between two people. When people have different personalities, opinions, or even cultural backgrounds, interpersonal problems arise. Because of the vast number of people working together in a large organization, there is a high risk of interpersonal problems.

Interpersonal conflict can, nevertheless, arise as a result of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. In the workplace, it is common to observe older people struggling to get along with younger coworkers. Furthermore, their approaches to work and solving problems are diametrically opposed, resulting in tensions between them.

Another common example is when employees become friends at work and a rift in their personal connection causes difficulties in the office. Another example of potential conflict between two people is when a male employee is required to follow orders from a female superior.

They have a hard time getting along with each other since a male employee does not believe in the female supervisor's ability. These types of disagreements are unavoidable, and properly resolving them can aid in the employees' personal development.

Conflicts of this nature must be settled as soon as possible because they can quickly escalate. 

There are a number of approaches to resolving these types of disagreements, like sitting down with the human resource management and resolving the matter, providing diversification training to employees, or mandating specific "standards of conduct" at work.

2. Conflicts between individuals

These kinds of conflicts arise within a person. Intrapersonal conflicts are more difficult to see and understand than interpersonal disputes. Because these conflicts occur in a person's head as a result of his or her values, feelings, principles, and thoughts.

These types of conflicts range in complexity from simple decisions like choosing a lunch menu to important life decisions like choosing a professional path. Intrapersonal conflict makes it harder for a person to concentrate on his or her task.

As a result, a lack of concentration and fervor to participate in job activities leads to lower production, which is detrimental to an organization's success. Intrapersonal conflicts also induce uneasiness and restlessness in a person.

Before wasting any time, a person who is experiencing this struggle should get expert assistance. 

Otherwise, the individual should express his or her feelings to friends or coworkers. Communication is a well-supported answer to such a problem. To deal with these types of problems, organizations should give psychological assistance to all of their employees.

3. Conflicts within the group

These forms of disagreements occur among team members. Intragroup disputes are primarily caused by discord and misunderstanding between these members. When team members have diverse personalities, ideals, or ideas, tension emerges.

Intragroup conflicts can emerge when one team member receives a promotion or recognition while others disagree with the decision. 

This type of situation could make the group feel uneasy. Conflicts can sometimes be advantageous to achieving greater achievements inside a group, which is the team's sole goal.

In the event of a significant conflict, the team leader should enlist the assistance of several parties. These types of confrontations, on the other hand, can be avoided by carefully selecting team members and giving each one a fair chance.

One method of resolving this dispute is to have a one-on-one chat with a single team member. 

Alternatively, the entire team might communicate their discontent to the team leader. These types of issues can be readily resolved as long as they are handled courteously and officially, and care is given to ensure that the conversation does not devolve into verbal squabbles.

4. Conflicts between groups

Within an organization, several forms of conflicts occur between two different groups. Conflicts of this nature arise as a result of conflicting aims, interests, or viewpoints among the many departments. Conflicts between marketing and customer service, for example, can arise. People can become enraged as a result of these types of disagreements.

As a result, the office becomes an unsuitable working environment. To deal with such problems, management should take tight measures. Furthermore, a separate committee should be formed to resolve such issues among staff members. 

Furthermore, a firm should establish an inter-departmental fun competition so that employees from all departments can socialize outside of the workplace. Aside from that, role-switch is a good way to deal with intergroup conflicts.

Once every six months, a random individual from one department should be assigned to another department to work for a week or more. This strategy will allow employees to step outside of their comfort zones and learn about the methods, conditions, and, most importantly, the difficulties faced by the department's personnel.

Employees will grow more empathetic toward one another as a result of this. When sales achievement awards are to be handed, this is a regular example that is seen in real life. While the individual contributor who has worked in the area and met his targets is deserving of the prize, the marketing team may also claim it by claiming they were the ones who devised a successful plan. There will be an intergroup dispute in the Sales and Marketing team as a result of this.

When a group of people works together, conflicts are certain to arise. However, while disagreements are not necessarily harmful to the company, their inability to be resolved is. It is important to ensure that disagreements are resolved in the outset, as soon as they arise. Unresolved confrontations can be extremely harmful to all parties involved.

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