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Leadership Qualities - What does good look like?

The search for better leadership techniques is never ending. I believe in the common sense approach to managing people and operations. Here are some leadership qualities for your consideration.

You have seen qualified experts failing miserably as managers. Why?

One reason could be – lack of leadership qualities. These people lack basic or practical skills of planning and organizing their work. They are relatively oblivious to the more abstract portion of their job, which requires skills entirely different from their core area of expertise. 

Therefore, those who lead well are sagaciously aware of themselves as leaders. In other words, the high performance leaders tend to be highly self aware individuals.

Why is a workaholic leader preoccupied with solving problems rather than getting them solved? One reason could be – lack of leadership qualities. A high performance leader looks at himself as one who mobilizes people, whereas a reasonably skilled leader tries to solve every problem by himself. A high performance leader cleverly engages human resources to bear upon a problem.

Those who lead well are committed to self development

They are not content with the status quo. They read, they study, they attend training/seminars, they discuss ideas and they take an active interest in life itself. They are devoted to their own personal growth. The company or department they manage usually benefits from the effects of their personal development.

The manager who manages reasonably well may be called a reactive leader. A high performance leader may be described as an assertive leader. The assertive attitude forms a key aspect of leadership performance.

Are you a high performance leader or a leader who leads reasonably well?

Only a high performance leader can bring together the efforts of many people into worthwhile accomplishments. A leader who leads reasonably well remains a face in the crowd.

These dimensions, which I have highlighted in the functioning of a high performance leader, might prove handy to you. See how you stack up against these leadership qualities.

How To Display a True Mark of Leadership?

Do you work in an environment which is highly confrontational and competitive?

If you are in an environment where conversation turns into a battle, then you might add a new dimension to your behavior – you may find yourself becoming argumentative, which may be completely against your grain. I know sometimes arguments are unavoidable…but they usually make you look angry, hostile and competitive.

What matters most to individuals who are always in a combative mood?

To them winning an argument is all that matters regardless of the damage they do for their reputation. When you’re interacting with such individuals remember they’re usually insecure, aggressive, or both.

So what should you do if you work with such characters? DISCUSS BUT NEVER ARGUE! As a leader you cannot look bad.

What are the benefits of discussing?

You sound and look mature. Your focus remains on solving problems through deliberations and consideration. Your opinion will be more respected. Arguments tend to focus on self-justification rather than on conflict resolution.

So the next time when someone turns a conversation into a conversational battle, please don’t be like him. Don’t argue, just discuss.

Such people actually give you an opportunity to shine

Don’t lose that opportunity. Develop this leadership trait; it will take you further ahead in life. To keep your civility in such times is a true mark of leadership.

5 Facts of Leadership Development

In this post I will give you five facts of Leadership Development, which you must know:

You can make the difference between success and failure in your department. Yes you can…

Leaders become successful through the help of others, therefore, you have to learn how to seek help from your peers and followers. And you can only get this help through the practice of leadership.

You don’t have to be a manager in order to be a leader. In other words, you can be a leader immediately in whichever position you may be. You do not have to be promoted to be a leader.

According to me, the essence of first level leadership is very simple. It is to motivate people to perform their best.

Yes, leaders are born, but leaders can be made through leadership development. If you want to be a leader, you can learn how to be a leader like any other skill. Good leadership does not depend on a cushy environment. Your ability to motivate people under any circumstances is independent of any limiting factors.

Tap your powers by adhering to these simple facts of leadership development. After all, awareness is the beginning of all learning.

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