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7 Ways To Improve Your Life In 7 Days

7 Ways To Improve Your Life In 7 Days

7 Ways To Improve Your Life In 7 Days

Want to improve your life and live healthier? We’ll duh! Life is all about growth and being happy. But it all starts 1 step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Pacing yourself and doing little things every day can have an ENORMOUS effect on your life.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of energy to improve yourself and it can all start in a week. 7 days can lead to a better you if you do something each day to improve your life.

Here are 7 examples of things you can do over the next 7 days to live a better life and come out a newer more improved you.

1. Introduce Yourself to 7 People

It is ok to talk to strangers at times. They are just like you and me. You never know what you will find by actually talking to other people and making connections with them.

The person you meet tomorrow might be the one to give you your next job, they might be your future spouse, or they might lead to you meeting other people who can open doors for you down the road.

You simply never know what will happen until you get out there and meet someone new. Life is all about making new experiences, so set some time aside to go to a bar, a library, gym, join a club, or whatever and introduce yourself to 1 new person a day!

At the end of the week you’ll have met 7 people you have never met before. Keep it up for a year and you’ll meet 365 new faces. Heck, pretty soon you’ll have met the whole dang town!

2. Learn to Cook 7 Food Dishes

This is one for people that like their food. It is always good to try new things, even better to try to make new things.

Whip out the cookbook and learn to make 1 new food item a day for 7 days. You’ll either come out of it with the ability to make a more diverse diet or you’ll have more appreciation for people who make a profession out of cooking.

3. Run a Mile Every Morning

7 Ways To Improve Your Life In 7 Days

Want a healthier heart? Why not get up a little bit earlier every morning and run a mile before you start your day? At the end of the week you’ll have ran a total of 7 miles and have extended your life expectancy a little bit.

Already run a mile a day? Great! Why not run 2 for the next week? You’ll never grow unless you can test your limits.

4. Read a Short Book

Why not read a short book? There are plenty of good books out there that are 100-140 pages long. That means you only need to read 10-20 pages a day to finish it in a week. Very doable! and with good side effects too.

Reading a good book is always a great way to grow. Not only does your brain grow and expand when reading a book (instead of shrinking and decaying when watching television), but you also get exposed to new ideas and ways of looking at things.

You never know a good book may just change your life. They certainly have changed mine.

5. Do 7 Things Special For 7 People In 7 Days

Everyone likes it when you do something special for them. It can be as easy as helping them overcome a problem or letting them borrow a powerful book.

You may think that most people will just shrug off your kindness and not think twice about it. And you may be right! But you may be wrong as well.

This universe has a way of repaying people who give out of the kindness of their heart.

6. Read 7 Inspirational Articles

Sometimes we need a little motivation in our life. Reading 1 inspirational article a day can help to keep you in a better mood and help you to live a happier, more enthusiastic life.

This is one of those things that it is always good to keep up with even after the week has come and gone.

We are human after all, a little jump of inspiration throughout the day can’t hurt.

7. Share This Article With 7 People

You’re not the only one who can stand to better them self. Bringing your friends and family on board with you on your quest to a better life will help everyone involved.

We tend to turn out like the people we are around the most. Helping to motivate and improve the lives of your friends and family will inversely help to improve your own life. Staying happy and helping others grow leads to a better world as a whole.

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