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How To Appreciate A Boss? 10 Ways to Appreciate A Boss

How To Appreciate A Boss? 10 Ways to Appreciate A Boss

A boss's relationship with his employees is extremely valuable and strongly reliant on faith and trust. Assigning tasks, resolving disputes, controlling workload, keeping staff on their toes, and ensuring that business operations are running smoothly are all responsibilities of the boss. Even your boss deserves praise, you guessed it.

You need to show him that you appreciate what he does by doing little things like lending him a hand and being there for him no matter what happens at work. Supporting him will pave the road for your own professional development because it is his endorsement that will result in a raise, a recommendation, or a promotion for you.

1. Arrive on time

Nobody likes being late in a business setting, especially when it happens early in the day. A boss prefers for his staff to arrive earlier and handle everything. A wise worker would do it to show their appreciation for their manager.

He will come there at least fifteen minutes early, fix the papers on the table as directed, check that every little thing is in order, and arrange the table with all the necessary items. We are all creatures of habit, and your employer is no different. Since you are already familiar with all of his routines, make sure that an organized workspace and your timeliness will make him happy.

2. Do not say that it’s not your job

It’s not my job. There are four words that every boss hates to hear. When he asks you to do something he expects that his orders will be carried out immediately. He is your boss for a reason and you cannot antagonize him for anything. It is better you do your boss’s directive and stay on his good side.

One sure way to appreciate a boss is to do as he asks with a happy attitude and a smile on your face. Do you think that he is not aware that it is not your job? Are you sure that he is not testing you for some reason? The willingness to help out without it being in your job description will be remembered by him.

3. Offer your help

To lighten your boss's workload, there may be a number of employees working nearby. Someone may occasionally be forced to take a day off due to unforeseen circumstances on a day when everyone is busy with their respective workloads. Offer to take on that task and stay late to assist.

You have a fantastic opportunity to stand out because of difficult conditions, and a smart worker will seize it and prove his value. Giving your boss some extra work to do and lightening his burden is one surefire method to show your appreciation. Your boss will feel less pressure as a result, and he will remember and appreciate the simple things you do for him.

4. Take care of small things

Your boss has always helped you in times of need and it is up to you to reciprocate that feeling by showing him your gratitude. Maintaining a healthy relationship must start from your side with small things like a clean workstation when a boss arrives, his things in the right place and making sure that his mug of strong and steaming coffee is ready just as he likes it and when he likes it without any prompting.

By this time you are aware of all his habits so give credence to small things first and make sure that his work is not hampered by any irrelevant issues. Appreciate a boss by being at his back and making his life comfortable in the office.

5. Be direct and honest

The value of honesty is recognized by all. It establishes a standard that everyone aspires to. Being sincere about who you are and how you operate from day one will make an employer appreciate you. His side will likewise return the favor. Sincerity fosters trust, which develops into a highly productive and sustained professional partnership.

Being direct in your communication will help you to save a ton of time and prevent all kinds of misunderstandings. Ask him directly, within reason, and in a polite manner if you have any questions or concerns. Your honest nature and direct manner will come over in your favor. For an employee who is straightforward and honest, the supervisor will go above and above because he values him.

6. Appreciate a boss in group settings

When you are in group settings and informal meetings say a few kind words about your boss. Mention something nice which he recently did for you and show your gratitude. Appreciate a boss in a group for a recommendation for an award or for some other telling gesture.

Similarly, if your boss has received either an award or a recommendation congratulate him on his accomplishment.  Presenting your boss in a good light will earn you his trust and faith and will help you in climbing the ladders of success quickly.

7. Throw a surprise party

Everyone enjoys partying and relaxing. If your employer has won an award or earned a recommendation, a celebration is in order. Don't go to him and ask for something. To give or not to give one is entirely up to him. By planning a surprise party for your boss, you can show your appreciation.

Make all the arrangements required without telling him. Make sure your strategy isn't hindering the office's ability to produce work. Go beyond your business hours to make it possible since it requires additional hours. Simply invite him to a meeting after work and then take him to the surprise party. He will be grateful for your efforts and recognize how you helped him succeed.

8. Write a LinkedIn recommendation

Your boss has his profile in a professional social media portal like LinkedIn. You can write a few good words describing his skills and highlighting his capabilities and post it on the LinkedIn page. People who read it will come to know about his professional image.

Appreciate a boss by enhancing his LinkedIn profile and giving him a worthy recommendation. People who work directly under someone come to know that person intimately and can judge him best. An approval from an employee gives him strong credence in a professional setting.

9. Share a handwritten note

Everyone aspires to employ technology tools for his or her personal and professional advantage in today's world of advanced technology. Most of us have lost sight of the appeal of everyday items like handwritten notes.

A boss would value a brief message of gratitude or a card with a note of appreciation more than any other kind of gift since it comes off as sincere and personable. Give your boss a handwritten note of appreciation because they are rare and hence doubly valuable.

10. Say thank you

Simply saying "Thank you" to your supervisor will convey your gratitude. These are tried-and-true phrases that consistently produce positive results. There were times when you needed assistance to finish a heavy assignment, and you received it without even having to ask.

The fact that you were late because your son missed the school bus and you had to drop him off first, or that you needed a day or a few hours off to recover from your daily schedule, were just a few examples of things that your boss let slide because he understood and valued your worth. Now is the time to demonstrate that you appreciate his actions as well.

The employer is a fellow human, and he will feel a connection to you because of your kind deeds and words. Even in a work context, saying thank you and hearing it are important. It is a fantastic approach to show your supervisor how much you respect them.

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