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Top 5 Career Change Ideas

Top 5 Career Change Ideas

Whether you’re facing economic pressure, going through a mid-life crisis, or simply in need of a change, consider these top five career change ideas. Changing your career can be daunting, especially if you’ve followed one path your entire professional life. However, by making the right career change, you have the opportunity to live a more enjoyable and fulfilling life.

Change Companies

Perhaps you love your work, but aren’t comfortable with the way your company is run, or have difficulty working for your boss. In this case, you could consider doing the same type of work for a different employer. Although it may not seem like a career change, moving to a new company can open up new sets of opportunities, and alter your career trajectory in a novel way.

Change Jobs

You may love the perks and benefits of working for your current employer, but hate the actual work you do. If this is the case, consider switching to a different department or performing a different job at the same company. Many companies prefer to hire internally, and if you express interest, you may be able to switch roles, or start training for a different position.

Follow the Market

Maybe your job is tolerable, but you’re salary isn’t, or you’re concerned about layoffs as you see the number of positions in your career field rapidly dwindling. One strategy you can use is to learn which career fields are growing and hiring, such as the healthcare and personal services industries, and then seek out careers in these areas. 

You may need to obtain additional education or certification, or you may be able to use your existing skills to make the transition. To learn which career fields are growing, look up statistics and projections about which jobs are going to be in high demand using sites such as

Pursue Your Passion

Imagine being excited to wake up and go to work every day. For many people, this may seem impossible, but it is reality for certain individuals. You may have a particular hobby that you’ve spent years practicing, or perhaps you always dreamed of working in a particular career field. 

You should start investigating opportunities available in the area you wish to pursue, and then finding out what additional skills you need to develop, or qualifications you need to obtain in order to start a new career. 

Try searching job postings to see what employers are seeking, or perform informational interviews with employers to find out exactly what they are looking for in future employees. You might even discover that you already have the necessary skills and that it’s only a matter of time before you can start pursuing your dream career.


Individuals who love their current lines of work, but dislike the routine and restrictions might consider pursuing a freelance career. You can use existing skills that you’ve developed over the years to perform work for outside clients. 

Once you’ve gained enough clients, you can leave your current job and start freelancing full time. Freelancing requires a fair amount of discipline, interpersonal skills to attract and retain clients, and an understanding of current tax laws, but it could be the perfect fit for certain individuals.

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