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How to Motivate Employees in a Weak Economy

How to Motivate Employees in a Weak Economy

When Promotions and Raises Are Not an Option and Money is Tight

You know it is not easy out there in the economy right now for anyone – business or employees. Businesses are looking for as many ways as possible to cut back just to survive. Workers have fewer and fewer choices now for jobs. It is a depressing situation for many.

Company funds for “promotions” and “raises” are few and far between. Managers are asking, “how can I motivate employees now during this weak economy?”

So how do you, as a manager, keep your employees motivated?

Understanding Human Nature

Your ability to motivate employees starts with your understanding of human nature. Of course, all people are different and what motivates one person is not necessarily what will motivate another. There may be circumstances in a person’s life that are affecting his or her motivation – a recent divorce, a health issue, etc.

You will find that some employees are motivated by awards or positive attention (carrots). They respond to the pleasure of being recognized and appreciated.

Some of your other employees need a “push” to jump start them (sticks). They respond to the fear of loss ( of their job, of money, etc.)

You, as a manager, have to become a student of human nature and you must understand what your employees need to be motivated to do a better job.

The Overriding Truth at the Core of Each Person

But there is also one overriding truth that is at the core of every person that affects their relationships with others – at work and in their personal lives. It is a major factor why employees leave their jobs and couples divorce.

The truth is “almost” everyone needs to feel




The Core of Most Employee Dissatisfaction

Most employees express dissatisfaction at work as simply not being “appreciated” or “valued”. When this dissatisfaction is strong enough then the result can be “quitting” and/or leaving for another job in a good economy.

In a poor economy, dissatisfaction in the job can result in a “slow down” of effort and less work quality. After all, if no one cares about the employee’s work why should he?

This, of course, is the last thing a company needs – “less effort” or less work product” from the dissatisfied employee during hard times.

And let’s face it. It takes time to hire and train another employee. Who needs that?

Feeling accepted and appreciated does not require “raises” or “promotions” especially in a bad economy. There are other ways to accomplish this.

The Solution

You can keep employees motivated by giving recognition to good work and ensuring there are negative consequences for those who do not do their work. It is an ongoing process. It may require your attention but doesn’t have to result in money spent such as with “raises” and “promotions” during a weak economic period.

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