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How to Begin Hiring Staff

How to Begin Hiring Staff

Hiring staff without a plan can lead to unnecessary labor costs, decreased productivity, and a lack of efficiency. You can also get into legal problems by asking the wrong questions during an interview or making promises you can’t keep.

Don’t hire your workers one at a time, decide what positions you need to fill as you begin bringing people on board. Start with an organization chart to make sure you create the best organization to bring you to profitability and work with your attorney to make sure you cover all the legal bases when hiring.

Hiring staff is an important step in growing a business or organization. It allows you to bring on additional expertise and support to help achieve your goals. However, the process of hiring staff can be intimidating, especially if you have never done it before. 

To get started, it is important to have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a new hire, as well as a plan for how you will find and evaluate candidates. In this article, we will provide some tips and guidelines on how to begin the process of hiring staff effectively.

Create an Organization Chart

If you ask many CEOs if they would staff their companies the same way they currently exist if they were starting over, they’d probably say, “No!” Many companies hire workers for one job and then shift them to another because the position wasn’t well thought-out. If the employee isn’t up to a task, many small businesses shift the staff member to another position because firing someone is painful.

Start with a detailed organization chart before you hire a single employee. This should be included in your business plan. Divide the chart into departments, such as operations, marketing, accounting, human resources, and manufacturing. Identify every position’s supervisor and subordinates. This will help you make sure every function you need to be performed is filled, and that you don’t hire unnecessarily.

Create Job Descriptions

Write a detailed job description for each position on your organization chart. This will help you determine if you have correctly staffed your business. This will also help you avoid legal problems once you hire your workers.

A job description is an important tool when it comes to hiring staff, as it helps to clearly define the role and the qualifications that are required for the position. A well-written job description will not only attract the right candidates but will also help to set expectations and ensure that you are hiring the most qualified person for the job.

Here are some key components to include in a job description:

Job title

Clearly state the title of the position.

Job duties and responsibilities

Outline the specific tasks and responsibilities that the new hire will be responsible for. Be as specific as possible to help candidates understand what the job entails.

Skills and experience

List the specific skills and experience that are necessary for the role. Be sure to include any education or certifications that are required or preferred.

Company information

Provide an overview of your company or organization, including its mission, values, and culture.


List any additional benefits that you are offering, such as health insurance or paid time off.

Application instructions

Clearly state how candidates should apply for the position, including any required documents or information.

By including these elements in your job description, you will be able to effectively communicate what you are looking for in new hires and attract qualified candidates.

Set Your Budget

Once you’ve created your organization chart, set a budget for staffing, using your overall budget to guide you. You may find that you have less money than you need to properly staff your business. 

This will require creative solutions, such as hiring contractors, using part-time workers, and offering different benefits to different employees. You may need to hold off on developing certain aspects of your business until you have the revenues to adequately staff them.

Determining your budget and compensation for a new hire is an important step in the hiring process, as it helps to ensure that you can attract and retain the best candidates for the role.

Here are some things to consider when determining your budget and compensation:

Local market rate

Research the going rate for similar positions in your area to get a sense of what is competitive. You can use online salary tools or speak with industry associations or recruiters to get a sense of what is typical for the role.

Company budget

Consider your overall budget for the role and how much you can pay. It is important to strike a balance between attracting top talent and staying within your budget.


In addition to salary, consider offering additional benefits that may be attractive to candidates, such as health insurance, 401(k) plans, or paid time off. These benefits can help to make your offer more competitive.


Be prepared to negotiate with candidates to find a mutually beneficial arrangement. It is important to be transparent about your budget and expectations and to be willing to consider alternative compensation structures, such as flexible work hours or remote work.

Meet with an Employment Attorney

It’s important to meet with an employment attorney to make sure you meet all state and federal labor laws. Depending on the size of your company, you may need to meet the provisions set by the Equal Opportunity Employer Commission. 

Depending on what state you’re in, you’ll have different regulations regarding union activity. The attorney should review your employment application, interview questions, and any other aspect of your hiring process.

Create an Employee Handbook

Before you hire employees, create an employee handbook that lays out your rules and benefits. Include information on workplace dress, attendance, harassment, fraud, pay schedules, and other basic human resources topics. 

Employees should read and sign a document that states they have read the employee handbook and agree to its contents. You can develop the first draft of an employee handbook yourself, using Internet resources, then have it checked by an HR consultant. Make sure your employment attorney reviews the document and approves it.

Create a Search Strategy

Once you’re ready to start hiring, create your search strategy. You’ll need to advertise your positions, create an application form, develop interview questions, and set criteria for evaluating potential hires. It may be a good idea to hire a qualified human resources consultant or firm to help you with this process.

Creating a search strategy is an important step in the process of hiring staff, as it helps to ensure that you can find and attract the best candidates for the role. 

Here are some steps to follow when developing a search strategy:

Define your target audience

Identify the type of candidates you are looking for, including the skills and experience that are necessary for the role.

Determine your recruitment channels

Consider the various ways you can reach potential candidates, such as job boards, social media, or recruitment agencies.

Create a job posting

Use the job description you have developed to create a job posting that clearly outlines the role, the qualifications you are seeking, and any application instructions.

Source candidates

Use your recruitment channels to advertise the job and attract potential candidates. You can also consider reaching out to industry associations or professional networks to find potential candidates.

Evaluate resumes and cover letters

Carefully review all resumes and cover letters you receive, looking for candidates who have the necessary skills and experience. You may want to use a scoring system to help you evaluate the qualifications of each candidate.

Post the Job

There are many different ways to source candidates when you are hiring staff. Here are some options to consider:

Job boards

Posting your job on a job board or online job platform can help you reach a wide pool of potential candidates. There are many job boards available, so be sure to research which ones are most relevant for your industry and location.

Social media

Utilizing social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, can help you reach a large number of potential candidates. You can create a job posting and share it on your company's social media channels, or use social media to connect with potential candidates directly.

Recruitment agencies

Working with a recruitment agency can help you find qualified candidates quickly. Recruitment agencies have access to a wide pool of candidates and can often provide valuable insight and guidance during the hiring process.


Leveraging your professional network can be a great way to find qualified candidates. Consider reaching out to industry associations or professional groups, or ask your current employees if they know anyone who might be a good fit for the role.

Review resumes and covers letters

How to Begin Hiring Staff

Evaluating resumes and cover letters is an important step in the hiring process, as it allows you to identify the most qualified candidates for the role. 

Here are some tips for reviewing resumes and cover letters effectively:

Use a scoring system

Consider creating a scoring system to help you evaluate the qualifications of each candidate. Assign points to different skills and experiences that are relevant to the role, and use this system to rank candidates and identify the most qualified individuals.

Conduct interviews

Conducting interviews is an important step in the hiring process, as it allows you to get to know the candidates and assess their fit for the role and your organization. Here are some tips for conducting effective interviews:

Prepare a list of questions

Develop a list of questions in advance that will help you evaluate the qualifications and fit of each candidate. Be sure to cover both technical skills and personality traits.

Use structured interviews

Structured interviews, in which all candidates are asked the same questions, can be a more objective way to evaluate candidates. Consider using a scoring system to help you compare candidates more effectively.

Allow candidates to ask questions

Encourage candidates to ask questions during the interview. This can help you get a better sense of their interests and goals, and can also allow you to further explain the role and your organization.

Take notes

It can be helpful to take notes during the interview to help you remember key points and compare candidates more effectively.

Consider references

Ask candidates for references from previous employers or colleagues, and follow up with these references to get a better sense of the candidate's work style and fit for the role.

Look for specific skills and experience

Pay close attention to the skills and experience listed on each resume and cover letter, and look for candidates who have the specific qualifications you are seeking.

Consider achievements

In addition to skills and experience, consider the achievements of each candidate. Look for individuals who have been recognized for their work or have had notable accomplishments in their field.

Pay attention to formatting and presentation

A well-written and organized resume and cover letter can be a good indication of a candidate's attention to detail and professionalism.


In conclusion, hiring staff is an important step in growing a business or organization. It allows you to bring on additional expertise and support to help achieve your goals. To begin the process effectively, it is important to have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a new hire, as well as a plan for how you will find and evaluate candidates. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, such as defining the role, creating a job description, determining your budget and compensation, posting the job, reviewing resumes and cover letters, and conducting interviews, you will be well on your way to finding the right person to join your team and help your business or organization succeed.

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