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A Few Useful Tips on Improving Self Confidence

A Few Useful Tips on Improving Self Confidence

Self-confidence has been a vital part of human existence from ancient times in human history and even way back. Self-confidence is what makes a human being and their corresponding personality. What we are, how we comprehend the outer world, and how we treat other people are all based on our self-esteem. Everyone wants to feel good and to be the first at something. 

When you are good at something this always works with improving self-confidence. Having low self-esteem may be devastating for a person and can even destroy a whole human life. This is why there are a lot of methods on how to build self-confidence. I had a hard time finding myself as a child and made many types of research on how to improve my self-confidence. 

Improving your self-confidence is closely connected with fighting and overcoming your fears. Fear is the thing that holds us back and most of the time is without any reason. When struggling with improving self-confidence you should try everything and not complain at all. When improving self-confidence you have to leave all the fear behind you and look only forward.

There are tons of articles, websites, and whole books on how to improve self-confidence but in my opinion, the small things matter the most. If you have a look at a bigger in size work ( like a book for example) discussing how to build self-confidence, you will see that its structure is based mainly on the small and simple things in life…like everything important. 

So to build yourself as a person while improving self-confidence you have to make small things that in time will boost your life and way of living in the desired direction. For this reason in this article, I am going to make a list of some minor habits and activities in life that will brighten up the whole picture. This list is not a chart and is based on various articles found in different places, my surrounding fauna, and of course my own opinion, as a man who made some progress.

The most important thing when improving self-confidence is to stop your inner criticism. We all have the critic inside of us and we are all trying to cope with his expectations. But the inner critic is only good when he is looking on the bright side of the future when you can become better and better at something. If the inner critic is destructive to our self-esteem and is a true perfectionist we are doomed to live a life where we are constantly not satisfied with what we represent. 

Building self-confidence is a hard and long process where sometimes you have to reconstruct your thinking from the beginning. You will go nowhere if you always think that you are lazy, dumb, not efficient, and not enough talented. When you see someone better than you at something you do not have to think that he is just way better than you and that you can never reach his level. 

You have to learn from him, study his methods, and try to reach and even surpass his level. Nothing is impossible in this world. It takes a lot of hard work, motivation, and persistence but if you want something you can do it! And this is the thing that will eventually boost your self-esteem to newer grounds.

Perfectionism is only good when it is the top point of a learning or training process. When perfectionism is a one-time thing and just destroys your motivation it is devastating. We all know a perfectionist person who wants everything to be tip-top, to be in shape, to be at the exact desired level…but can this person do the same with himself? If he accomplished something he is worthy of respect but in any other case they are just trying to mess with you.  

You do not have to accept this destructive voice even if it is your inner thought. You have to say stop to the critic inside of you and let your mind rise. You may think of a phrase to use against your inner critic and use it against the voice in your head. This is a battle inside of you that you have to win. 

Improving self-confidence is all about winning the battle inside of you first, and after that against the outer world. Tons of books and websites can lead you in this battle but if you do not struggle and do the best you can in your mind…you are doomed to fail and be the same person over and over again.

All this is connected with refocusing your thoughts more positively and constructively. You do not have to waste your time in pessimistic and destructive thoughts where you cannot move forward and just pity yourself. Look up and think about how you can change that. Change is the root of building self-confidence and you cannot have change if you let fear and inner critic stop you. 

Take your time in planning your daily routine with a focus on the things that will bring up the change and make you a better person in your mind. Still…you Have to follow those plans and do your best in the activities you include. Do not spare breath when it comes to improving self-confidence.

I know that nowadays most people are either pessimists or neutral. Bring up your positive side! Smile! Positive thoughts bring more pink color into our world if you let control your emotional situation of course. Sometimes you have to trust your positive side blindly, even if you do not see a point in that, to see the results. And it will not happen immediately…it Takes time and persistence as I said before.

Every part of this long battle named how to build self-confidence is connected. Thinking positively is connected to being a good person overall. Do good things to yourself and others also…and see how you will feel after that. I have done it and you feel very good and sometimes even proud of yourself. 

Do small things like helping an old lady with her groceries, a grandpa cross the road, a small girl with her car or just helping your parents around the house. Even if it sounds unrelated to you just try it and feel the difference after that. These are not stupid activities, they escalate your spirit and help you have a better opinion of your personality and existence.

You can try to handle your mistakes and misfortunes more positively. You may think that it is the end of the world but the fact is, that most of the time it’s not. Learn from your mistakes and try to avoid them in the future. This is the way how people get better and better at something. 

No one was born good and taught anything. With motivation and persistence, you can reach new ground. Failures are only temporary, they are not something that goes on and on forever…unless you don’t attract failure. If you fight, eventually you will win and this is without any doubt

Try new activities even if they don’t sound that interesting or amusing – you may be surprised. This is something that I never regretted. I had no interest in doing new stuff, I was skeptical about everything but with little help from my loved one I tried many things for the first time and some of them turned out to be really good ideas. 

Some may turn out to be not that good but you do not have to take it badly. You can never be sure of your success but you have to understand that trying new stuff hides risks but they are minor risks. Nothing that bad can happen and you do not have to worry about it too much.

Spend more time with positive people that support you even if they are not as funny as the drunk destructive friends that you already have. Sometimes you just have to spend valuable time with valuable people. The other option of not going anywhere is also not good. Being alone all day long can lead to extremely bad emotional situations. This can even lead to depression which will destroy your self-esteem.

Another method that I found on the internet is to make yourself appreciate yourself with activities like:

You can make a list of your good sides. When you write them down and see how much they are you will feel better.

You can take a two–three minutes appreciation break every day or at least once a week. When you are having a bad time just stop thinking destructively and think about what good happened to you recently or what you did recently. This will change your emotional status at least for the moment or the near future.

The last idea that I saw and thought is interesting is writing in a positive journal every night. Before going to bed write the good things that you did today, why you feel good today or how did destiny reward your struggle in life. Even if you do not have what to write that much think positively and you will have an idea of what to write down. 

These all work on an inner mind level even if they sound stupid the first time when you hear them. I haven’t tried these methods but they sound like a good place to start somewhere if you are desperate. It may seem very hard if you are the pessimist type of guy but it’s not hard at all if you stop to think seriously for a moment and just leave yourself afloat.

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