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Performance Management - Key Performance Indicators and Value Based Management

Performance Management - Key Performance Indicators and Value Based Management

QPR Integrated Management System allows you to monitor the activities of the enterprise, analyze its performance by key indicators, and also manage the business processes of the enterprise. 

The QPR portal easily combines the performance indicators from the QPR ScoreCard with the business process elements from the QPR ProcessGuide in one single module and is the main work tool for every user. 

The QPR portal provides you with timely information for:

  • Achieving the set goals,
  • Implementing the strategy, 
  • Interaction at each organizational level
  • Etc

Benefits of QPR Integrated Management System

  • Complete solution for automating enterprise control and performance monitoring
  • Identify critical situations with warning symbols in the scorecard and automatically mailed warning letters
  • Flexible solution that supports a variety of methodologies.
  • Support for modeling any scorecard
  • Support for modeling business processes in any notation
  • Ease of interaction in the QPR Portal (document sharing, initiative management, feedback, etc.)
  • Top-down approach (the system is focused on strategy, not on the design of a complex information system)
  • Rapidity of changes (ease of making changes in accordance with changes in the organization / conditions)
  • Customizable views of information for each user of the system
  • Quickly obtaining results
  • Scalable three-tier system architecture
  • Ease of development

Simple and easy-to-use interface, allows you to quickly create system models indicators and business processes. The process of creating models takes minimal time and does not require large human resources. Experienced developers usually take 1½ to 2 days of training.


The QPR portal has a simple, intuitive interface. The information provided is personalized for each user or group of users of the system. 

Users in the QPR Portal interact effectively, carry out joint planning and implementation of assigned tasks, monitor key indicators, effectively exchange information, create informational online presentations, enter indicator data and much more.

Support for various management systems

QPR products facilitate the implementation of various management systems in the enterprise, such as:

  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Business Process Management
  • Intellectual Capital Management
  • Quality Management:
  • Malcolm Baldridge 9000/2001
  • ISO
  • SCOR

Collaborative Management

What does it mean Joint management?

The goal of joint management is to transform the enterprise from a clumsy tanker into a nimble fish school, forcing its employees to align their activities with the overall strategy of the enterprise. 

This, in turn, will allow the enterprise to quickly respond to changes in the surrounding business environment, without wasting unnecessary effort and time on steering maneuvers.

Three key engines of Joint management:

  • Quality of work of the company's management
  • Development of the company as a whole and employees individually
  • Providing freedom to employees


Application collaborative management systems significantly improve the quality of leadership through performance management and process management. It gives the company a clear direction, defined priorities and clear goals. 

The collaborative management system also provides enterprise management with a transparent and clear picture of operations and allows for consistent and effective management practices. Leadership ability is often understood as an individual trait. 

Such a view of things deprives the enterprise of the opportunity to look at the situation more broadly: what is the joint ability of the enterprise's employees to lead? 

This refers to the general ability to manage the entire enterprise, which includes both the effective work of the employees and the effective actions of the management.


Joint management presupposes a new stage in the development of the enterprise - it contributes to the development of employees of the enterprise and involves them in improving the enterprise as a whole. 

This approach prioritizes activities aimed at improving the enterprise and links these activities to goals. In addition, co-management makes the implementation and execution of improvement initiatives systematic.

Granting Freedom to Employees

Employees who are granted freedom become committed and committed employees of the company. Their talents are appreciated and they are trusted to make decisions that, from their point of view, make sense. 

Highly committed companies delegate some of the power to frontline employees (contact personnel). They systematically support the risk management process and can thus foster a culture of critical and risk response, in which employees are encouraged to deviate from the traditional orthodoxy and be agile and agile in order to meet customer and market demands.

Building Commitment

Traditional Corporate Performance Management (CPM) owes much of its success to a work organization that provides decision-makers with detailed information about the performance and performance of the entire enterprise and the goals that are being set. to the staff, from the head of the company to the ordinary employees.

Joint management is based on the same data, with the difference that this data is converted into knowledge, and employees are able to process information, determine further steps and set goals, and, consequently, participate in the strategic management of the organization Replacing the traditional top-down management system with a transparent delegating management system will create exceptional employee commitment.

  • Leadership
  • Development
  • Empowerment
  • Make strategy a daily conversation of the employee 
  • Emphasize the importance of company development by clearly setting goals.
  • Effective communication and feedback
  • Make the strategy the work of all employees
  • Keep a systematic record of plans and initiatives
  • Delegate responsibility to ordinary people
  • Understand the reason and impact of the link between strategy and process potential
  • Plan and improve the process
  • Involve people in the company's development
  • Create a transparent management system
  • Understand the reason and impact of the link between the strategy and the capacity of the process.
  • Exercise accountability for performance contracts.performance
  • Establish an ongoingreview and management system.
  • Create continuous feedback to be able to make real adjustments to priorities.

"Now I understand how I influenced the business strategy - and the end result."

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