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Job Evaluation, Between Motivation and Achievement Job

Job Evaluation, Between Motivation and Achievement Job

In Indonesia, Job evaluation has recently become a controversial topic for the ranks of the government under the leadership of Mr. Joko Widodo. 

The former governor of DKI Jakarta (Indonesia), who is familiarly called Jokowi, has conducted a massive evaluation of the performance of some sub-districts and village heads in Jakarta. Environmental cleanliness, market renovation, handling street vendors, and garden maintenance are the central topics of job evaluation.

For employees and organizations, job evaluation is not a new thing. Evaluation of work results is usually carried out once a year. Evaluation is based on the achievement of the targets obtained. However, the evaluation carried out by superiors is often a burden for employees. 

There is a certain fear if the results of the assessment are bad. Performance appraisal will certainly have a positive value if it is used as a motivation. Motivation will change the perception of a burden into a driver of achievement.

Understanding Job Evaluation 

Job evaluation can also be said as a job appraisal. This work assessment is an assessment of the work that has been done within a certain period. Good or bad work results  depend on the extent to which the work plan is applied. Ability, competence, motivation, and interests become the basis for implementing the work plan.

The results of the performance appraisal can be used to improve performance in the future. The work of employees will certainly affect the performance of the organization. Employee performance appraisals can be used to assess abilities, promotions, and job assignments. 

It could also be that the work assessment results determine whether we are still eligible to work at the company or not.

Job appraisal has a specific purpose. In the article How To Do an Employee Appraisals, by Dawn Rosenberg McKay, employee performance measurement serves several purposes. 

The goal is to strengthen communication, set clear expectations, improve performance, improve unsatisfactory performance, and raise the spirit of cooperation and teamwork. 

Job appraisal as important but doesn't make it a scourge. This is precisely the time for us to know the extent of our achievements in the company.

Then what is a person's standard of success to get a good assessment result? Yes, of course, the extent to which an employee can achieve the goals set. As is the case in the work assessment case by Mr. Jokowi above.

Certain standards must be achieved by an employee. The better the achievement of organizational goals by employees, the better the performance.

Understanding performance appraisal is important so that it can be used as a lesson to become a better person. Job appraisal can be said to be effective if it meets five points called SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented, and Time-bound).

Specific means that the work assessment is stated clearly, concisely, and easily understood. Measurable is measurable. Job appraisals always have measures expressed in a grade. Attainable is challenging but still affordable.

Organizations certainly have goals to be achieved, but those goals can still be reached by the competence of employees. Next is result-oriented, which means that it focuses on the results achieved. The latter is time-bound which means on-time limit and the process can be tracked.

The benchmark for job appraisal has the dimensions of quantity, quality, time, and speed, value and cost, percentage, and index using a weighting system. Quantity goals can be measured in absolute terms. 

This measure can be in the form of a percentage or a performance index. On the other hand, quality is not easy to measure and is relative. But quality can be seen, touched, or felt. To be more effective, quality work assessments are usually translated in the form of certain measures.

It's Time for a Job Appraisal

Job Evaluation, Between Motivation and Achievement Job

This is it! When job appraisals are stressful. Don't feel that job appraisal is a burden. Face it with a cool head and prepare yourself. What to do when facing a job appraisal?

Do not panic. Panic shows our fear of bad judgment. If we have worked according to the SOP and targets set by the company, then there is no need to panic.

Realistic. Good or bad assessment of our work depends on what we have done. If we have tried our best, of course, our assessment results will be good. However, if our efforts are not maximal, we must be sporty if the results of our work assessment are not good.

Prepare Personal Evaluation Records

Personal evaluation records are useful for recording the achievement of targets within a certain time. We can also record all achievements or skill improvements. 

For example, have taken a certain course. Owned records can be used to match our records with superiors. After the annual evaluation, your boss will give you a job desk and targets to be achieved next year. We can also use this as a guideline for the next year's work achievement.

Job Appraisal is Perspective

The results of the assessment can also depend on who is judging. Sometimes job appraisal is subjective. No need to be disappointed if the results of the work assessment are not good even though we have worked optimally. Sometimes there are elements of like and dislike that also play a role in the work assessment.

Learn from mistakes. If we make mistakes and are in the work evaluation then do self-introspection. Learn from mistakes and don't repeat them.

Respond to criticism

Criticism often arises during performance appraisals. The important thing is not to get hurt by criticism from your boss. Criticize work motivation. 

Dealing with Criticism

There are several things we can do when criticism comes.

1. Don't Feel Attacked

Use criticism as information that can strengthen and improve our performance. Never feel attacked and don't get defensive. Criticism is feedback and how others see us.

2. See the Motivation

Criticize work motivation. Don't let criticism drop your confidence. If criticism is balanced and reasonable, it may build our work performance. Listen to your heart and stay focused on your work. Success is the best way to show how good we are.

3. Find a Trusted Person

Consult with a neutral party who will evaluate us honestly. They may be able to provide input from a perspective that we never thought possible.

4. See the good side

Have an open mind and use criticism as an opportunity to grow. See criticism from the positive side and accept it gracefully.

Other Tips

Act and Don't React. Do not do things that can worsen the results of our work assessment even though we are in the right position. Ask for time and opportunity to rethink things. Explain to the boss that we need time to reflect and reconsider the results of the evaluation.

Don't focus on the evaluation results. Do not focus on the value of the evaluation results provided by the company. Focus on the process and what contribution we make to the company

Job appraisal is a form of learning for individuals to become better people. Learn more about exactly is the purpose of a job appraisal. Absorb as much useful information as possible. So, are you ready for a job evaluation right now?

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