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Learn to Think Creatively to Achieve Success


Creative thinking is a must if you want to achieve success in life. Creativity will help you in dealing with problems, solving problems, and overcoming challenges and obstacles in your life.

There is even a study from the University of California, Santa Barbara which states that students who have honed their creativity by using the adequate rest method and coloring pictures, their work results are better than students who have not/not honed their creativity. 

What are the benefits of creative thinking? How to be able to think creatively? Check out the following review.

Benefits of Creative Thinking

Creativity is a form of intelligence. Intelligence is not only limited to academic ability. But there are also analytical skills, technical abilities, verbal abilities, non-verbal abilities, and even creative abilities. 

At this level, a person's success is not only determined by his outstanding academic ability, but also by several other factors such as creativity. Even in some cases, there are people who are very bad in academics, but because of their creativity that person actually becomes the boss of his colleagues who are top academics.

Successful entrepreneurs are the best example to illustrate how great it is if someone is able to think creatively. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the social network Facebook, was not very successful in college. 

Even Mark dropped out of Harvard University at that time. But because of his creativity, he is now able to become one of the richest people in the world who actually employs his friends who graduated from Harvard. Amazing isn't it? The adage about unlimited creativity is indeed more valuable than gold bars doesn't seem too exaggerated.

Creative mindset does have many benefits. First, by being creative, a person will not be fixated on one thing. Often we feel stuck and there is no other way to solve a problem. Actually that kind of thing is just an illusion that we create to limit ourselves. This is the biggest obstacle to the emergence of creativity in us.

Therefore, if you feel stuck on a problem, change your point of view. Different points of view will provide different perspectives which will help in finding other ways of solving the problem.

Second, creativity makes us observant in seeing things. Successful entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs who are able to create creative ideas. They are able to read market opportunities very well so that they are able to come up with new ideas about a product and marketing.

In the end, whoever dominates the market and has a superior product, he is the one who will succeed. Therefore, don't be surprised if one day there are offers or new products that are beyond our minds being sold and bought. These ideas are nothing but the result of a very creative and adaptive thinking ability in reading situations.

How to Think Creatively?

After knowing the various benefits of creative and adaptive thinking, maybe many of you will start asking, how do you think creatively? Actually, it is not difficult to start getting used to thoughts that are creative, free, independent, and full of innovation. 

Creative thinking requires unlimited space for your ideas and ways of thinking. What does it mean? This means that you must not limit yourself to any ideas or ideas that come out within you. Just let things flow that way you will start to become a creative thinker.

According to research by Professor Jonathan Schooler, PhD. from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a creative person is someone who frees his mind to wander. This explains why when we're in the bathroom, lots of ideas pop up. 

When in the bathroom, a person will be more relaxed so that his mind is freed and then ideas emerge. But you don't have to be in the bathroom to learn to be a creative thinker. Then how? Let's discuss the following review.

In order to be able to think creatively, first you need adequate rest. Rest here does not mean you have to sleep all day in the room. But more on resting your mind from various problems of work, relationships, tasks, and other busyness. 

The most appropriate thing to do is to take a leisurely walk in the morning. Or if you really have more money, traveling to interesting places that you have never visited is a good choice.

Another way to rest is to visit gardens or visit places with a strong natural feel. According to research in Germany, our brains will work more optimally when we are treated to something natural such as natural beauty, or green trees. 

If this method is too difficult, you can replace it by planting a mini garden in your yard. By taking care of your own garden, you will be treated to a soothing green color that will make you feel more relaxed. Creativity will follow after your mind is relaxed.

Second, meditation. Meditation was able to help people to be able to think creatively. Since ancient times, meditation has been practiced by humans and has been proven to have many benefits. With meditation, your mind will be clearer and your creative ideas will more easily emerge. Meditate for ten minutes every day. 

Inhale, hold, and exhale at the same rhythm, for example every ten seconds. Control your breath and concentration. Also position yourself so that your back does not lean against a chair or wall, keep your body upright so that air circulation in the body is really smooth.

Third, listen to your favorite music. Music turns out to be able to help the brain's performance to be maximized so that it is easier for you to think creatively. Acoustic type of music or not too much beat will make your brain work better. Rhythm and rhythm in music can be a stimulant to stimulate brain performance.

So don't be surprised if you see musicians who are very creative in creating songs. Therefore, listening to music while working is a good idea. But with the notes of the music does not make your concentration and those around you disperse.

You can take these ways to spur creativity and ideas in your mind. But actually the most important thing again is in yourself. Never put certain limits on yourself. By giving a limit, it means that you have limited your thoughts that will hinder creativity. Though creative thoughts and ideas arise when you let your mind wander freely.

The point is that you have to open your heart, eyes, and mind to whatever is outside so that your mind will be more free to wander. If you get used to and think in this way, you will have no trouble thinking creatively.

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