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Women's Rights in Company Work Rules

Women's Rights in Company Work Rules

Do you know about Company Work Rules? The spirit of emancipation has provided ample space for Indonesian women to have careers outside the home. This can be seen from the percentage of female workers who dominate various employment sectors. Both in government institutions and private companies. 

These opportunities sometimes tend to make them forget many things related to their position in the world of work. One of them is that their rights – career women or working women – are neglected in the company's work rules.

Understanding Company Work Rules

Before discussing the rights of women in the world of work, especially those related to work rules or also called company work guidelines, it is better to first understand the meaning of company work rules. 

Company work rules are rules, regulations or official guidelines issued by the company that provide information about the provisions or implementation of work applicable in the company. For example, working hours, rest hours, incoming hours, outgoing hours, leave provisions, overtime provisions, granting permits and so on.

These rules are made so that the working mechanism within the company is understood by all parties involved there. Thus, the working mechanism runs neatly and orderly. Employees understand the obligations that must be carried out, work operational standards that must be followed and know the rights that will be obtained. 

Likewise with the leader, he knows his authority, his obligations to employees and the company, work operational standards and the rights he will get. Work rules must be obeyed by both employees and leaders in the company.

Women's Rights in the World of Work 

Work rules will inevitably intersect with rights and obligations. As a prospective employee or even an employee in a company you need to read and understand well the contents of these rules. After knowing your obligations as an employee, you also need to make sure that your rights are accommodated in these rules.

Especially for women, there are some important rights that need attention. Neither by the company nor by the woman herself. 

These rights include:

1. Getting Menstrual Leave

Getting menstrual leave is the right of working women. As we know, women are in a weak and unstable physical and emotional condition in the first days of the menstrual period. This condition is different for every woman. There are those who can get through it normally, but not a few also experience severe cramps in the stomach and unstable emotional conditions.

Therefore, during this period, working women are expected to get relief from not working. Because, even though they are forced to work in these physical and emotional conditions, the results will also not be optimal. Therefore, working women are entitled to a minimum of one day's menstrual leave every month.

2. Getting Maternity Leave

Women are also entitled to maternity leave facilities. At least in times of healing and restoring physical stability. Ideally, a woman who gives birth gets maternity leave during her puerperium. However, the regulations in the companies are certainly different. What is clear is that every woman must be critical of her rights to this maternity leave facility.

3. Limitation of Overtime Hours

Limiting overtime hours for female workers is important. Not that this is intended to be discriminatory. Rather, it is related to safeguarding the safety of the woman herself. As we know, sometimes the overtime hours in some companies can last until the night. So, if female workers are not limited in their overtime hours, it is feared that this will endanger their security and safety. Especially security on the way home

4. Security Guarantee

Companies also need to provide security guarantees for their workers. Both physical and psychological security. A safe work environment will provide comfort for employees to work without worry. Comfortable interaction with superiors, without feelings of anxiety and pressure, rules that are not too pressing, will improve employee performance.

5. Guarantee of Implementing Religious Shari'a

It is not uncommon to hear that there are companies that prohibit their employees from wearing headscarves. There are also companies that do not provide rest hours for their employees at prayer times. There are even companies that require their employees to wear uniforms that reveal their genitals. This is a binding company work rule, so that by force, its employees must comply with these regulations.

Well, if the company stipulates regulations like this, it means that you are no longer guaranteed to practice religious law freely. In fact, religion is a human right that must be respected and respected. So, it's a good idea to consider staying under the company's work rules that shackle your beliefs or leave. It all comes down to your personal choice.

6. Guaranteed to Get Wages 

Salaries or wages are rights that must be accepted by workers and an obligation for companies to provide them. What are the salary conditions set by the company, you must know. Then look at the size. Has it complied with the applicable Minimum Wage standards?

7. Right to Education and Job Training 

The right to education and job training is actually not only the right of women workers, but also the rights of all workers who work for a company. Unfortunately, many of these rights are ignored by companies. The company has received services in the form of skills and ideas from its employees. Ideally, they are also obliged to educate and improve the skills of their employees, by facilitating them to get education and job training from the company.

Large companies such as multinational companies generally have implemented this. Employees are facilitated with various training or training on a regular basis to improve the skills of their employees. Some of them are even given scholarship facilities to continue their education to a higher level or even abroad. 

Companies usually have a special budget for the purpose of increasing the knowledge and skills of these employees. Because this certainly has a direct impact on employee performance in starting the company's machines.

Well, I hope this article can inspire the hearts of working women to be more critical of the rights they should get from the company. As an employee, you have sacrificed so much for the company. Starting from the time, energy to thought. In fact, you have also sacrificed your family's rights over you. Especially children who in their golden age must be willing not to get maximum guidance from their mother.

These sacrifices for you and your family should be paid dearly by the company. Not only in the form of salary, but also in the form of fulfilling your rights as an employee. The company's work rules should not only contain regulations that suppress employees with burdensome provisions. But it also facilitates the rights of employees that they should get in the work environment.

Women workers must also consider all the rules set by the company. If it feels heavy, it is better not to work at the company. Working under pressure is not a good thing. Hopefully the female workers can consider the good and the bad about themselves, not just think about the salary they are given.

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