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5 Tips About Bioengineering Career Paths

5 Tips About Bioengineering Career Paths

Learning about bioengineering career paths can be a great decision if you have an interest and an aptitude in math and the sciences. This is because biomedical engineering is an increasingly significant career path due to all of the new inroads being made in the arena of medical and pharmaceutical science. 

If you choose to enter the field of biomedical engineering you can be virtually assured of a steady and stable career path with ever-increasing options in terms of where you can apply your skills. Learn five tips about bioengineering career paths that can help you find your perfect career path in this exploding field.

Get the Right Education and Training

You will need to ensure not only an aptitude for and interest in the sciences and math, but also the right educational background and training in order to obtain a career in bioengineering. For your four-year undergraduate degree, you should choose a concentration in the biological sciences and a core engineering math training. 

For your graduate degree you should plan to obtain at minimum a masters and preferably a doctorate-level degree in biomedical engineering. If your school does not offer a biomedical engineering or bioengineering degree, then you can also choose mechanical or electrical engineering with a strong science concentration.

Use Your Fellowship, Internship and Training Opportunities to Choose Your Specialization

You can go so many different directions with a bioengineering degree that it will be important for you to use all fellowship, internship and training opportunities to hone in on your major areas of interest, be they medical/pharmaceutical developments or prosthetic limbs. 

You can also choose to pursue genetic engineering, medical devices, or even to design your own technology for use in the medical, biological or engineering fields.

Be Prepared for Some Confusion

Because bioengineering is a fairly new specialization, and it draws from skills and aptitudes necessary in the medical, biological, mathematical, and engineering fields, you can expect to encounter some confusion about where to promote your work, publish your results, and convene with colleagues about the specialized work that you are doing. 

The field of bioengineering is still developing, and that also means you enter the field at an exciting time when you can influence the direction it takes.

Seek Out Collaboration

Because you will emerge from your education and enter the field with a variety of specialized skills, one of the best ways to build your career base and encourage acceptance of your work is to seek out collaboration with others who work in more mainstream disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, or biology, but who share your interests. 

You will also learn more about the work others are doing and how different professionals approach complex problems and opportunities.

Be Passionate and Patient

As the biomedical field develops, you will see increased opportunities and exposure for your work. It is most important to cultivate two qualities, passion for your work and patience as others begin to see its value and accept it in more mainstream disciplines. You are a part of the future, so keeping that perspective will stand you in good stead as your work unfolds.

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