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How to Interview a Job Candidate

How to Interview a Job Candidate

One of the steps in hiring the best candidate for a job is conducting comprehensive interviews for prospective employees.  The interviewer will want to prepare for the meeting before the candidate arrives. 

By reviewing the candidate's qualifications in advance and asking thoughtful questions as well as explaining the expectations of the position during the meeting, you can be a successful interviewer.

Review the Candidate's Credentials

If you are meeting with several people regarding one job opening, you will want to refresh yourself about each candidate before he or she arrives by reading his or her resume and cover letter again.  This will allow you to be able to tailor the conversation to relate to the person's prior experience.  

You will also have a better understanding of a candidate's answer to your interview questions if you know what type of work that he or she performed in the past.

Ask Insightful Questions

It may be helpful to write a list of around five questions that you plan to ask each candidate.  Asking the candidates the same questions could help you compare them in a fairer way.  However, make sure at least some of your questions are open-ended.  

You can get a better feel for the candidate’s personality and work style if you let him or her do most of the talking during an interview. You can continue the rest of your conversation appropriately based on the answers they provide to your introductory questions.

Explain the Expectations for the Job

In addition to asking the candidate questions, the interviewer will also be responsible for informing the prospective employee about the position and the company.  Explain what is expected of the person who is offered this role including goals that he or she would be expected to achieve.  

By being upfront with candidates during the interview, it can be easier to weed out those who may not be the best fit for a specific job.Great candidates could be more interested in working at your company after they have a positive interview experience.

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